"American Wolf:" Meet the author, Audrey Birnbaum

10:30 AM - 11:30 AM
Danbury Library
Farioly Program Room

Event Details

Audrey Birnbaum, acclaimed author of "American Wolf: From Nazi Refugee to American Spy", will be visiting the Danbury Library! She will share a presentation including archival and personal images of her father's escape from the Nazis as a young boy. She will also share how she was inspired to write his story.

The program will be 45 minutes to an hour long, and will include time for questions and discussion.

For students in Middle School and High School. Adults are also welcome!

Event Type(s): History & Genealogy, Special Event, Author & Book Talks
Age Group(s): Teens, Adults
Presenter: Audrey Birnbaum
Deirdre Johnson
(203) 797-4505 ext. 7716

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